Fr. Michael Plekon • April 11, 2024

Community Sunrise Service in Borrego Celebrates Easter


borrego ministers association easter Sunrise service

Community Sunrise Service Easter 2024

Every year the Borrego Ministers Association (BMA) sponsors several community services and this year again it organized a celebration of the Resurrection with participation of its members and a choir gathered for the occasion. St. Barnabas Episcopal, Community United Methodist, St. Richard’s Catholic churches and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and many other concerned Borregans form the membership of the BMA.

Jinny Perrin prepared the singers for the anthem, “Acclamation for Easter.” Prayers were led by the Revs. George Abrams, Mateo Mamea, David Madsen, and Michael Plekon. Fr. Tony Stanonik read the Easter gospel and gave a short sermon in English and Spanish. Nidia Y Meza-Mamea offered the opening prayer in Spanish. President Geoff Barton, Dale Jones, Heidi Madden, Diane Johnson and Ellen Fitzpatrick read the lessons for the celebration and the service was rounded out with hymns and a presentation on the BMA and its work by Martha Deichler.

Due to the threat of rain, the service was held under the canopied Green in the Methodist church complex and well over a hundred people came to celebrate Easter together at the sun’s rising. The Borrego Ministers Association (BMA), a coalition of laity and clergy from several Borrego churches, takes up food insecurity among it several forms of its outreach assistance to neighbors in need. In the past year, Borregans were generous to the tune of just over $144,000 in contributions to the BMA.

Many individuals contribute to the BMA’s work,  along with churches and organizations like Rams Hill, the Borrego Valley Endowment Fund, the Rotary, and both The Center Market and The Desert Pantry. The two town food stores provide grocery coupons in addition to those purchased by the BMA and these help households manage food costs along with the help from the local food banks. Grocery coupons are by far the largest category of assistance, almost $80, 000 distributed by the BMA in 2023. In addition, the BMA makes small grants for utilities and rent costs, occasionally transportation as well, though people are directed to the “Let’s Go Borrego” program for ongoing transportation assistance.

The needs of Borregans, young and old, will continue, balancing costs of food, rent, utilities and other expenses. Many will be laid off or work fewer hours with the winter season over. The BMA chooses to see the good will and generosity of Borregans as cause for hope and a witness to further outreach and assistance in 2024. Please consider contributing.

The BMA mailing address is BMA, PO Box 2183, Borrego Springs CA 92004. Donations can be made on the BMA website at http://www.borregoministersassociation.com


The Rev. Michael Plekon, PhD
Professor Emeritus: Sociology, Religion & Culture The City University of New York - Baruch College


Images provided by: Michael Rue

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