Common Names
: Shrub Verbana, Ham ‘n’ Eggs. Spanish Flag. Button Sage, Red Sage. Lantana: Weeping; Desert; Brushland; Island; Trailing.
Life Cycle
: Half hardy perennial commonly grown as a half hardy annual by gardeners.
: 20 to 80 inches (50 to 200 cm).
: Tropical regions of Africa and the Americas.
Growing Region
: Zones 6 to 10.
Borrego Springs is known for its stunning desert landscape and unique flora and fauna. One of the most popular and recognizable flowering plants in the area is the Lantana Camara. This vibrant and versatile plant is not only a favorite among gardeners but also attracts a wide range of pollinators and beneficial insects.
Lantana Camara is a tropical plant that is native to South America and West Africa. It prefers full sun and well-draining soil, making it well-suited for arid regions like Borrego Springs. The plant is drought-tolerant and can withstand extreme temperatures, making it a low-maintenance addition to any garden.
The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours).
Lantana For lantana grown as a perennial, pruning is necessary to maintain healthy growth and encourage flowering. Lightly shearing the plant after blooming can promote bushier branches and future blooms. In spring, cut the stems down to 6-12 inches from the ground to promote branching and flowering. If the plant produces berries, pruning after flowering can help keep its aggressive growth in check and prevent seed spread.
Lantana Camara is a tough and resilient plant that thrives on neglect. It is heat-tolerant, drought-resistant, and can grow in a range of soils. Pruning is optional, but can help shape the plant and promote branching. In warm winter climates, Lantana can become a flowering shrub. However, in some areas, it functions as an annual. Fertilization can help maintain growth and encourage flowering. Please note, Lantana leaves may be toxic to pets, so it’s important to keep them out of reach. The amount of seed set can vary, but deadheading can help with continuous blooming. Regular fertilization will ensure optimal performance.
In addition to its ornamental value, Lantana Camara has a number of practical uses. It is a popular ingredient in traditional medicine and is used to treat a variety of ailments, including fever and skin irritation. The plant also has insecticidal properties and is used as a natural pest control remedy.
It’s essential to be aware of the potential dangers of Lantana Camara and take appropriate precautions when planting and handling it. If in doubt, it is recommended to consult with a local expert or the local extension service for advice.
Photo by Willem Labuschagné on
" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" src="" alt="a butterfly perched on flowers" class="wp-image-5684" width="355" height="239" srcset=" 1880w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 1200w, 1400w, 600w" sizes="(max-width: 355px) 100vw, 355px" data-recalc-dims="1" id="1210113811" onerror="handleImageLoadError(this)"/>Lantana Camara is a beautiful and beneficial plant that is well-suited for Borrego Springs’ arid climate. Whether you are a gardener or simply appreciate the beauty of nature, this vibrant and versatile flower is a must-have in your desert landscape.
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